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Photochemically Generated Radicals for Coupling, Functionalization and Polymerization Processes

来源: 发布时间:2018-12-29   点击数:

告题目:Photochemically Generated Radicals for Coupling, Functionalization and Polymerization Processes

报告时间: 2019年1月3日 上午9:30-11:00


报告人:Yusuf Yagci


Yusuf Yagci教授为土耳其伊斯坦布尔理工大学教授,日本学术振兴会会士(1995)、洪堡学者(2000)、英国皇家化学会会士(2017),IUPAC离子聚合国际研讨会及IUPAC基于聚合物工程制备先进功能材料国际研讨会主席。主要研究领域为新型聚合反应及聚合物的设计与合成,特别在光控聚合反应研究领域成果出众,开展了一系列原创性工作,是该领域的国际领军人物。Yagci教授已发表高水平论文600多篇(最高影响因子为47.928),论文引用次数超过10000次(单篇最高他引次数502),H指数高达55,并以主编身份出版著作5本,撰写46部专著章节。此外,Yagci教授在基础研究领域的卓越研究成果也得到了工业界的广泛认可,与瑞士汽巴精化、德国汉高、列支敦士登义获嘉伟瓦登特等公司进行项目合作,与工业界建立了十分密切的联系.


Photochemical strategies have distinctive advantages in comparison to conventional methodologies in terms of mild reaction conditions, low energy requirements and temporal and dimensional control.[1]After such benefits have been realized by the synthetic polymer community, photochemical reactions have been employed to a wide range of organic reactions, functionalization and polymerization processes. Specifically, photochemical radical generation is the most commonly applied strategy as the reactive nature of radicals make them useful not only for traditional polymerizations[2]but also for controlled/living polymerizations.[3-7]In addition, they can be utilized for the simultaneous generation of specific compounds, which can mediate various coupling reactions including click processes.[8]This make them applicable to modification of polymers and syntheses of complex macromolecular structures such as telechelics, block and hyperbranched polymers.[8-10]Below is the schematic representation of photoinduced radical generation and its applications to polymer chemistry.

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